Thursday, January 17, 2008

Glowinskis' Library

I was contacted today by a gentleman who signed off as "Your Teddy". Because his email contained a link and no defining content, I almost deleted it from the server without looking at it (I've been inundated with spam lately). But for some reason I decided to pop over to the web and look up the basic URL before I decided. And here's what I came across: The Glowinskis' Library in Poland. You've absolutely got to go read the article, for then you've got the measure of a true book lover.

Now here's a man who, like publishers and authors, has been through the wringer for his love of books. He's shown a dedication to the written word that few ever do. So I'm asking you today: help spread the word as he quests to gather books--blog it, email it, whatever it takes. Send him books if you can, drop him an email of support.

I think I will go find something to send his way. TTYL.

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